Variant Rescoring and Annotation (Example dataset)

help Upload input file (.tsv) that contains variants information.
help Select the variants input type format.
help Upload spectra (.mgf) file that contains all the spectrum used for proteogenomic search.
help Enter the fragment tolerance value in Dalton used for proteogenomic search.
help Select the fixed modification(s) used in proteogenomic search. Multiple values can be selected using ctrl or cmd key.
help Select the variable modifications used in proteogenomic search. Multiple values can be selected using ctrl or cmd key.
help Select yes to annotate the variant peptides with disease information from UniProt.
Please cite the following paper if you use PgxSAVy in your research:
Raj, A., Aggarwal, S., Singh, P., Yadav, A. K., & Dash, D. (2023). "PgxSAVy: a tool for comprehensive evaluation of variant peptide quality in proteogenomics – catching the (un)usual suspects". Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 2023-12. doi:10.1016/j.csbj.2023.12.033
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